Hole 15

Yardage plan for Hole 15

Hole 15

White Yellow Red
Length 435 395 365
Par 4 4 4
Stroke Index 4 4 2

At 435 yards this is one of the best par 4s on the course.

An inviting tee-shot from an elevated tee, you should aim to position the drive down the right half of the fairway.

The second shot with a medium to long iron is played to an elevated green that has several deep bunkers at either side.

Course Status:



Updated: 7 Feb 16:33

Buggy & Trolley Status:

Amber Board

What does this mean?

Amber Board Details

  • Trolleys must be fitted with hedgehog or winter wheels for all players and may be used ‘through the green
  • Buggies or private single seat ride-ons can be used on the 'Front 9’ only.
  • Buggies and private single seat ride-ons must stick to the paths at all times.

Any player not adhering to the above restrictions will be asked to leave the course with no refund being issued.


For a full overview of our buggy policies, please see the buggy policy page.

Very tidy place and well maintained. Has a small 6 hole pitch and putt and amazing views in the back. Great individual holes and clearly numbered. The range targets are well marked and clear to see.

Mo Karolia